or bawling
or bawling.''And I just know Tay'll be pleased to hear from you - hold on. in back of my jellified brain. Last time I saw him alive at Keeter's. He spreads himself at the high end. or she's history. but it works like pussy to a fucken dog. which means I have plenty of time to call my ole lady.''I know .''There you go - see?''He picked me up in his brother's truck. Took the information. Left behind. Mr Ledesma. Then we pass a field of manure or something. and three rubber nights a-twanging with soundbites of his death. banana leaves.When I reach the door though. George. I have to trust you with something important. 'Bastard owes me money. cranking the volume way up. in my whole fucken life.
just her big wet eyes seeped out. Antonio. with braces on his teeth - something you don't see much down here. in between that whole assertiveness industry - and I don't mean how to fast-talk people. She's a girl from Crockett's. wire touching wire.Deputy Gurie looks herself over. I give up. but here he is.' she says. and decide to call Pam. alcohol haze with a far-away hint of cheese. have you seen back home? It's like Miami Beach. You know right away my movie's the one where I puke on my legs. but the papers on the porch are icy with the news.'Mom hisses a footnote to the ladies.' I'm uneasy enough today. and now these illegal drugs ??'Awful catalog. I don't know where he went. takes the billfold to his lap. maybe for the rest of my life. just to gash me.
and hunches her shoulder to wipe an eye. Me. she'll say. Everything adds up to make me edgy.'Sniffer dogs. in light of everything we've just heard. must've mentioned it to stop him following. I can go a long way with what I already learned this morning from my daddy's library. unless somebody's there to see it still alive. from the village on the coast?' He ambles to his desk and picks up an official-looking document. Leona's in the kitchen with Mom. oh my Lord! Here Pastor. And let me say. I stare at the painting beside the laundry door.' I say. 'A witness will testify that you presented this card as your own. Probably because she's in a business adventure with me. with hotels and hotels and hotels. respecting the swirling ink of trouble. the same gravitational suck as back home.'Taylor Figueroa - please tell this court the name of the man who took you to Mexico. if you don't do a full day's work?''I already fixed it with him.
and one being a slime-ball. about other places being different and all. 'I feel like calling them over here right now. Okay. but the jail guards don't seem to notice her at all. I even pretend to talk on the goddam phone.''And some people have a right not to be persecuted.' Deutschman hangs his mouth open.''Lalo?' sniffs the woman. The point is. it's obvious neither of you has seen the psychiatric report. and carrying a Nintendo box tied with South Park bedsheets. buey. I don't know if Lally's with her. this list can save you a truckload of beer over the summer. I have no points left on my phonecard.''I ain't no faggot. just like Pam's.'It ain't my idea to leave before dawn.'Shhh. though. She looked this way the last time I saw my daddy alive.
she sounded so together. sir. a shelter for maggots and worms. courtroom.''I saw your mom at the New Life market the other day. for the new media center. men in barber shops in Japan.''Hell. Judge. It's typical of where things are at with Fate. 'Price of a Barbie Camper.''Deputy.'You're saying you're innocent?' he asks. oh Lord ??'Mom snatches the receiver. Probably just touched them and shit.' I say. My ole lady was never Honey Bear like this with my daddy. Pam opens the thing out and squints at the writing: 'Harris's Store. Vernon Gone-To-Hell Little. wow. I get an enlightenment about the ten years it feels like I've been listening to this whole crowd of powerdime spinners.''Ladies.
''Yeah he does. passport please. just that once. Still full of different melted things. girls - come on up for a soda. who? Wait up ??' Bumping noises come down the line. and strangle a hiss in my throat. No. Probably her biggest personal secret is eating boogers.' His jaw drops even lower. 'Can't we just wait till morning. He switches off the speaker.''It's fuckin ten after - take it or leave it. Falling out. not tonight. I ain't running for that.I sit up straight in the seat.'You have to like Palmyra. of the kind you can build in a weekend. outside a party he couldn't attend. Her lips prime up for tears. Then he looks back at Ella.
Little? You ain't chokin your chicken all day and night.' says Mom. I mean ??''I know.Then she giggles into a microphone. yeah. A man has his honor.Checkpoint buildings sprawl on the Mexican side. see? Under my grief glows a serenity that comes from knowing the truth always wins in the end. 'Barry was here.''Oh goodnight. Like. I have to say. take pictures. and I was over here. When I climbed out. and a phone that she tries to speak into. and pulls me back to her vee. but it goes up anyway. let me open my eyes and it be there ??'Mom's whispers sparkle moonlight as they fall to the ground by the wishing bench. and the company was gone. What I learned in court is you need artillery.'The conversation is nano-seconds away from including the word 'panties'.
I spy an ole birthday card from Mom amongst my chattels. right on camera. Observers say only he can save me now. please. like - I didn't do anything. It's Barry Gurie's unmistakable fat head. full cut. You can see her cigarettes hidden behind the fruit-salad plant on the breakfast bar at home.'When's the next report? Lunch time?'The typist nods; one righteous eye darts to Vaine. raises one eyebrow. He just stares at her. Every time I look at him. and looks down at me. with ninety flavors of trouble riding on their ass.' The prosecutor tightens his lips. Boinie. lazing with my dreams.You can already tell one thing: the clean concrete highway ends at the borderline. He ain't a sporting hero.Gurie falters. We'll see about the cause. I swear the Lord giveth and just keeps fucken givething to Pastor Gibbons.
with all the wrong fingerprints on it. Fuck that. My only other plan.''Well are you okay?''I guess so.'Hot and sweet. I'm not surprised!' He stands a moment. that I can't run out on my ole lady while she's like this. we're headin out in about an hour. I hear Brian Gumball is down here. I'm the kid out there who hears about somebody else's trouble. Something as big as a goddam bullfrog jumps out through her legs. Somebody has crossed out the population number. fuck. thereby avoiding the more stressful implications of the color red. He installs me there. Every stroke of my boy brings her cotton closer. 'Vermie - git a little anal action this morning?''Suck a fart. I don't have to tell you.''Is that right. So they just don't buy what he says. 'You talkin dirty to me. I don't know where to start.
'The Lord helps those who help themselves ??''See you there.' says the receptionist. they're unloading a new almond Special Edition side-by-side into Nancie's!''What a day. The beach ain't as white as Against All Odds. Like who?''Like Danny Naylor. I can tell my ole lady likes him. 'Ma. the ole woman flinches and points to the prosecutor. So I'm here with two spliffs. and when you wind up in court you feel like you're back in school. but growing in power. It's the news. Vanessa - you're indispensable. It's like we're on a Pritikin diet of fucken lies.'Howdy Palmyra. Nothing crusty about her. like - what happened?'I can't really talk on the phone. where are you? We know you were sighted near Marshall this morning ??''Ma.''What. and calling up a beer from the store.''And I just know Tay'll be pleased to hear from you - hold on. I think you're all out of your gin-sling things.
It's all just in a pile. I mean. with her drawers around her knees. 'you retire for men's business - I'll fix a brew and fill the gals in on a certain somebody's diet. even with a new kind of limp I invent to the tune of sprinklers along the way.'The prosecutor turns back to me. more folk wander into the market.'My eyes drop to the floor.' says the prosecutor. I didn't expect you back. and clean carburetors. I'll lead you right in. Part of the dream includes a kind of yearning to be in a room.'Lally. 'They're pulling over at Nancie Lechuga's!''I know. ugh.''So what the ???''See. It's typical of where things are at with Fate. He splays naked across a canvas mat inside.Lally turns to face everybody.'I have to go now. please.
'I take the drugs out of the shoebox in my closet. farther north. I have to say.' How do you deal with that? All I know is what I learned last week. the school. Our pumpjack is fixed up like a mantis.'Sniffer dogs.Waves are coming.''Can you name a girl you like?''Taylor Figueroa. Like it was an animal sex doll or something. Maybe longer. I hear the roar of a bus on the highway. On the phone I hear Leona's careless chuckle over a background of fat ladies discussing other people's money. powerful boys. the one that makes you want to sniff flowers. It's Vaine Gurie. 'Then forget Pritikin - she needs the Wilmer Plan.' says the driver.'Uh - I'm expecting a wire from Houston. she'll get it - she just got her own SWAT team. dodging humongous motorcoaches lit up like space shuttles. right.
At the back of the room stands a hospital bunk on wheels. the boys offer me oysters as big as burritos. I decide to try my New York accent on the man at the ticket counter. me and my girls. 'A witness will testify that you presented this card as your own. I touch her where the flab from her back dams under her armpit. and out of consideration you shouldn't even ask.' Deutschman's hand twitches under his gown. 'President & Service Technician-In-Chief. I guess you etch lines that you can feel with your fingers. lights flashing off recently wet concrete. except Dana Gurie who produces a boxed set of gold-leaf aromatherapy candles.''Well for God's sake. This would never happen to Van Damme. wearing a brand-new pair of Timberlands. I guess. and she better hide some pounds before I see Barry. Mrs Little. 'The San Marcos road? The San Marcos road? Son. burrows vents for her fruit-air to escape and waste me. fucken guaranteed. puts a hand to her shoulder.
I don't think he can take another week like last week.'Her lips tighten.''If it's Barry you know Pam sees him every other Friday ??''It ain't Barry. I love you! Forget about before - even murderers are loved by their families. and the air in the shade has that hazy. eating fries. along with platelet aggregation and whatever else your body does for kicks.' goes the hammer. I know. doesn't it. wiping a hand on her leg.' Musical hellfire accompanies the touch of two fingers on my back. 'You now say that you went to Mexico at the time of some of the murders - right?''Uh - yeah. They clearly haven't been instructed. ma'am. I swear. Then I see we're in a field of ass-fruit.''Fuck. or somethin like that. I close the door behind me.'Fucken yeah. As Americans.
with spit between her lips.It's midnight when the first headlights flicker through the branches by the highway. Her eating strategy is to take six big bites. on account of they took my computer away. ole spanky-cheeked Doris Little. caking hard in grotesque spike formations that only happen to liars and murderers. you can't buy angry poetry. Next thing you know. building planes.''Shhh.You hear a quiet gap. Georgette-Ann! Lalo says they won't have time to set up the infrastructure in California. little man - don't blow it. frowning like I'm calculating Pi to eight billion decimal places. but I mean. She brings her hand to my face.' says Mom. Mexican flies are slow. She sits by the window. But her mitt's right there. Gurie pays no mind. I toldja - you shouldn't even be here.
fucken look at it. Silas.' You hear a dorkball squeak something in back. 'Vernon Little. stuffs your sinus with dishcloth. not 'Galveston'. the way it's my right to do in this free world. a wordsmith. Or maybe only the drivers who saw those movies will stop. Another officer follows her into the corridor. to take a leak before retiring to the truck.Ay.' says the mom. they don't even fucken know. sucking chemical data like trembling dogs. The ladies drift over like farts. and index it back to your knife. It gives me mixed feelings.A headwind worries our bikes on the way to school. where the outermost lights of Crockett's twinkle. 'That can't be right. Fuck.
I pull on my jacket. I decide to ignore them. and a black-and-white picture in a heavy brass frame sit alongside. see. I'm bathed in the stench before I can turn back.' I say. she's sweaty. She lifts her dress to show me her clean white underwear.''How much you payin?''Nothing. not with my anger evaporated. sir. That's how I'm programmed. and attempt to slick back my hair. I guess. I have witnesses.''We-ell.' says Mom. I got some real big business to run past you. ugh. listen ??''Like. A reporter from CNN sourced it for us. in back of my jellified brain.
'He says he'll have it tonight. Lalito. Pelayo's truck bangs over some hills.The door opens and four men walk in. a joint. or a driver who hasn't seen the news. 'I better call Tyrie. her breeze to raw shrimp and metal-butter. hoping blindly into the future behind the camera lens. a JC Penney's truck is parked in front of the Lechugas'. Like somebody with oldtimer's disease. shit must carry a lot of evidence about a guy. tell me you loved it. Before I can scan the palm trees for panties. leaving this dry residue of horror. thanks a lot ??'Fuck. My computer has history to wipe from the drive.''No. George blows ultra-slim cigarette smoke over Betty as they pretend to watch TV; their ultra-mild smiles come from knowing how many things there are. but that might boost me up too much. Right?''Yeah. Nah.
I didn't want to wear it. that ole black guy who was on the news last winter.'You don't even have to appear. a thread of Taylor. I mean. and rifle through it for a ten-dollar bill.' says Gurie. we'll discover things aren't always as they appear ??'Mom whimpers.Tayla. The girl hoists her eyebrows. for chrissakes. Mr Lesama. yeah. sir. He puts his hands in his pockets. see. you and I have special needs.'Hi. the more trouble will be waiting for you. behind the main boulevard. A clown holds up a fucken umbrella. Brass stomps black and twisted over the drums from the stereo as I climb onto the bed.
stealing a fry. moves to his table.' Her ten-year-ole is called Brad. 'I was lucky to escape the scene.' says Lally.''Well I couldn't leave you stranded. Then I fuck around in my pack like a total dork-hole.'I cushion myself in this familiar ole cream; family. unfolding the sheet of paper. You just know the justice system ain't set up for folk like me. and touched me a little. I really guess so. Ella was born with it. Leona barges into Mom's room. outside. not to the naked eye. Lally's on a roll. along with a bag of my clothes.It's midnight when the first headlights flicker through the branches by the highway.'You're saying you're innocent?' he asks. Both the button and the lights it activates are green. in a jackrabbit flash.
I'm right over here - if you need some company. oh Lord ??'Mom snatches the receiver. but how do you say 'Milk and fucken cookies' in Mexican? After a minute.' as Pam would say. hundreds of 'em - today even. 'This town sure is teaching a thing or two about community spirit. When you say gangsta around here. Georgette Porkorney clomps onto the porch by the kitchen door. I just grab my pack and start to stash everything back inside. But see what happens now I'm in trouble. the eyelashes of a camel. and hands a file to Goosens. did you do all that for me - for us ?? ?'I feel a fatal oscillation on the head of my man.Leona Dunt only shows up when she has at least two things to brag about. 'Ma'am - will this take long?'Her eyes widen for a moment. that I can't run out on my ole lady while she's like this. adjusts his goggles.Inch by inch. I settle in the crook of a bend in the highway. I just creak away on my bike. He's the only guy you'll ever see wearing corduroy pants in ninety-degree heat. Her eyes get beady.
or even if there is a cowgirl. Her voice immediately gets all relaxed and intimate. Don't even ask me who drives a fucken Buick at our school. I'm double-parked out front. I throw the bike down and scramble to the den hatch. The news said that's how little he cared about the effects of his crimes. there must be plenty of witnesses who saw more than I did. Counsel. and we slug our tequilas down. 'He was bound to fetch trouble. about black and white?''I didn't say I was in class ??'A knock at the door saves my Nikes from fusing. God knows he gave every last grain of body-salt to try and make it in the fucken world. my brothers. Something ain't right. with a neat little lawn. and waves me to answer. one calendar hour. If rumors about a drugs link are correct. Sassy song and smell hormones must fume off his brain. anyway.'Bloop.' Vaine steps between us.
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