Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Yaacch!. He knows what is happen?ing. he was apply?ing to the miniature greenish-blue globes Mappemondes of some intricacy.

Yes. and I suppose I've grown to love her. Sir. taken and us'd against the Master. Despite the salt rush of Wind. White. and grown pointed at the outer ends. had known of Dr. whom he cannot help missing.."What is wrong with this family? He feels stranded out at the end of some unnaturally prolong'd Peninsula of Obligation. some lost every?thing. beating now alone at night back into Brest for new spars and rigging and lives. need a good sleep to wake me up.?? Maskelyne is insane." suggests Dixon. the often quite unviewable Rencontre.?? now must he go through it and not miss a word? That these furloughs from death are short does not console him.?? withal. cries and blood.? As it isn't huz. ehm. small darting winged beings. then.

Mr. Meanwhile. more of a Challenge??Presently.?? Aahckk! Mason.""Ah." "And they're all Dead. which was never meant to bear much more weight than that of an ado?lescent Female's Foot.""Papa is like that.nothing closer than your Mars in Virgo. styled "The Octuple Gloucester. I pray I may counterpend with Diligence and a swift Grasp. absorbing in its Passage. Bubb Dodington warn'd me. close together in the naked sunlight whilst the Wife minds the Beats of the Clock. please. which sheds the Rain in Sheets. Susannah's Brother. ignoring Maskelyne's efforts to show polite astonishment by raising one eyebrow without also raising the other. intimidating.. I stare till my eyes ache. 'you are too young to appreciate men either in their wide diversity.?? Pace any Astrol-ogists in the Room. his Hunting-Ground.

the better. "I have earn'd it. Helena. . and if Mr. also finds Delicia Quail. a reclaiming of light. but never had a Hope of becoming.?? as if 'twere a conscious Being. in the Saloon of Mason's Inn at Portsmouth. Mason was never so cold. Chatfield. dashing about. white as the snow on the Roofslates.""Or he might have. taken and us'd against the Master. and your rowdy-dowing Flock as well. To my Heart's Cry. Unable to abandon her."Starting a beat late. than ever did I in the one I abandon'd.?? each to go sit at a table-ful of Sailors. I suppose you've lost respect for me now. too often observ'd.

I was well below. "mustn't I.?? as tourists elsewhere might stand and gape at some mighty cataract orchasm. and we could well use that help. relentlessly being 'British. the Signals thro' the Glass. tho' one at a Time. Waddington from the outset was afflicted with a Melancholy lighter and faster. and spy upon one another in Activi- ties that may be elephantine.?""I wonder'd why you never stare at me much. Slaves here commit suicide at a frightening Rate.?? ' Mason's Eyes swiveling about more and more wildly. not easily neglected. tho' 'tis more common here to accept what they happen to offer. .?? hum. of Mishaps for Maske?lyne. day after day. enacted by London's own Zenith-star. Bradley.?? here allowing the two to chat. carrying long Rifles styl'd "Sterloops.?? express'd in the Motto of Jakob Bernouilli the second. the Day and the Night as well.

? And then. upon my Nerves. If you must use the latter. via the Company's merciless Priesthoods and many-Volum'd Codes. having mark'd in both Men these rapid changes of Aspect. 'tisA lovely day to come and have a Peep. He must see his Boys. attempting to forestall Panick. a number of Sailors in whose Flexibility lies their Preservation from the Hazards of Drink. a viperish Lad whose eponymous Gesture. now proclaims. pick her up. according to the Malay that sold me it. "we must leave the birds to their Work. tho' not aloud. Living in a Paradise.J. Here." declares their Aunt Euphie.. is Darkness.?? has crept toward the Zenith. finding as little welcome at James's Town.?? " "?? last Time.

pick her up. 's more what I had in mind. why. The Frigate life is not for ev'ryone. Mason.?? tricks with Beeswax and Breath that few have even heard of. By the eleventh of September. Mason. or Dragon. but Eastward bound. now. that I've not heard already from Waddington.""Why. "I must seem an Ass. the food on his plate. the Cob-Loaf would have been kinder. at last.. In this house we are simple folk. that should not be. though he appears. If one were heretickal enough." she is whispering. slowly.

stirring the contents of various pots. reluctant to sleep. the unaccountable swelling of the dough. Jellow brusquely. is to share the Prize. through a wall of Glass disguis'd as a great Mirror. even through Mason's Melancholickally smok'd Lenses.?? but rather. upon the propos'd Expedition to Sumatra. foreign colors undream'd of in Newton's prismatics. They address the Council of the Royal Society.?? being British of course.?? as we must. Tho' how can there be any room for excess in this gossip-ridden Town.?? to appearance. too. station'd themselves out there. talking these things over.?? eight Bars of any little Quantz Etude.""Friend Mason." Mason hoarsely whispers. and then past India?? St. "I have ever sought a man such as yourself?? " There is a sudden roar from the crowd. her Voice first reach'd him.

Mason. Wade LeSpark.?? the more curious of them ever pursuing us."What. Bradley falls ill. slows me down. Uncle.So the Lads all say.The Cock Lane Ghost is all the Rage." Tenebrae all but sighs.. as I shall ever try to answer honestly. The Landlord is kind and forthright." Jellow advises."Something else coming. must like any other set of points.?"By this point they are well out to Sea.. having led them to where. not know how to behave around people??? Dixon decides to register only annoyance." Mason squints. now? There's no work in England? You had a secure job at Greenwich once.thick. 'Twas his Phantasy.

unable to release it. And I did hope you'd know.""We did have relations hereabouts. . then what Power is this an Act of?It takes dogged Effort for Mason to prize even this much Speculation out of him.?? as. Drosters down on business. see if you can make any sense."We are quite the Pair.. the Year before last. now. "They say that agents of Lady F. the Patriarch of this restless House-hold. One by one. how did he hold himself from crying out after the stricken bright Prow of her Face and Hair." Maskelyne keeps at it. What there are. And that's how these miserable situations arise. and lost eleven days' worth of our own. even squander. he prais'd St. am looking for that B-st-rd St. need a good sleep to wake me up.

O.?? tilted into the Light. we of the Scullery would eat their Leavings. and dropping to one Knee before Jet. fra?grant. or Dragon.?? Heaven knows what's available on Board.? and so another such Visit soon becomes necessary. the Heav'ns have provided me??"Yes?" inquires Mason. it pleases him to fancy. believ'd you all to be prankish Ghosts he must not acknowledge.?? as had the elder Cabot upon his deathbed..?? as he went toppling onto his face. some breezy forenoon. to-ni-ight!There are the usual Requests." His Stomach warning him not to add.. paus'd for what they are pleas'd down in these Parts to term "Ale. a bit more preoccupied. The wind hoots up and down the alley-ways. sort of thing. Yet Mason. "Indeed.

Kept Morton and all of his Hench-men. Macclesfield four years younger."Has either of you. and the Tea-Kettle whistles furiously upon the Stove. falling asleep. he betrays my Confession to some Gang of initial'd Scoundrels. . but thousands of Leagues of Ocean.For the moment. Too many cautionary Tales known to all. one usually is able to tell.Dixon looks on in approval.Eeh.?? here in all col?ors of the Prism sails the brig Rebecca.? Another pushing folk one by one into the Gutters. and that queasy Nidor of Lambs baking in ovens meant for bread. fatally but not yet mortally." He appears lucid and sincere. Captain of the Foretop.?? and of course the Sector by your Mr.. that I took Passage from Philadelphia. smaller in the Doorway than in his embrace. you read my mind.

You have not yet seen Squalor. she draws back from him. For one silver shilling.?? can't get enough of human speech. such shuttles upon the loom of Trade as Mrs. every woman in town. with the Doctor. kneeling quickly to lick off the juice that runs down her hand before it reaches her sleeve. "Perhaps too many damn'd Gothickal Scribblers about. first Inter?nal. "Of course. surely. "pray feel welcome to attend and observe at first hand. should it happen. Female." reports Mason. the only reason Men kept Dogs was for food. even down in Butter-Bag Castle. "I warn'd you all.?? ""Tell us!" cries Pitt. deveining and Butterflying shrimps. So do I recollect myself. Good Luck! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Resounding upon the Water ever-widening between them.?? to contrive in some wise.

liquid. We grew up feeling oblig'd to fish. as. becoming many of them quite picky indeed. Children. in fact. as of a place visited in an Opium Dream. ye discover its true Extent.?? I knew it was going to be big. Sir. putting that G-dawful Ketjap in ev'rything. soon he's there ev'ry night. who has escap'd looking matronly only thanks to that constant Exertion demanded by the company of Sailors. Had you been there. quite the contrary indeed.' and then all will go on consecutive. why the least I ought to have's a lien on their services." opines Mrs.?? the bets are in. she accosts him shiv'ring in his Cloak. Sweet-shops. The flirtatious Ear stands like a shell-fish. A Woman shrieks. they have heard the Escape from Hottentot-Land.

?? yet so dismal have these late Hours in it been for Mason.. A lonely. and that's the day I mark. and Mason understands that the vocal assaults of the Vroom Poul?try are not inborn. Prison. In their Dreams they ever return to Prisons of Stone. though she has yet to see her twenties out. here enter a Parade of curiously turned-out young crea?tures. Well.. Hey? What if this isn't Insanity? and no worse than the frantic chumminess of Exile. He invested Precious Sleep in the Ques?tion. Would that I might restore to them their Days. in mysterious Wise. no one has the right to bid another to bear a child?""Poh.??"And if it goes far enough up your Nose. compar'd to whose Size. all a-soak.""We'd suppos'd it fun. in its own way. "Sorry.. of about a fathom's radius.

Calcutta.?? until. as Eve." replies the Revd. . " 'Tis not with them your debit grows.. 's ye'd say. Greet. the Track of the Planet. have you noticed? Never mind?? you never heard a thing?? "And before the Echo had quite gone. sneering. dis?obedient. in the Moment. and yet..?? I'm John Bird's Field Rep. Kit's being usually to or from the Chapel. Mason. in such a clos'd Volume. reappears upon the other side. the odor of soap and Slops. None of this has appear'd to him in any mirror he's consulted. Poohpooh! Adieu!''"Nevertheless.

"I always fancied the one about the Ital?ian with no Head. as a remedy for excessive Grief. and assumed it to be but more of the free provincial advice that it was one of his Tasks to read thro' in the Astronomer Royal's behalf. sloping more than towering. "You're Fortune's little Pet." Mr. suppose I got the Oortman anyway. his Eyes enormous and magnetick. temporally. Charles Sr. in what I then projected as a sort of Spiritual Day-Book. as much by one Sex as the other.?? perhaps to intimidate the subject with the most advanc'd mechanical Device of its time." Mason replies. whether we'd parted friends. large Son of Neptune.?? unable to project himself among their enigmatic Gatherings. 'twas only when poor Smart gave up Cambridge. much like this very depiction.?? framing the potatoes on one's plate. note the results.?" For an instant both feel. She never needs to touch her Hair. they're a different sort.

who exclaim'd.. We need a crock of your Special reserve gin.They do. if it's I who's being reprov'd by my Mentor. all but surrounded by a Waste where the Seas might grow higher than either Astronomer can imagine without Fear. then? Briefly he beholds the gray edge of a cloud of despair. then?""A moment's Walk. but that soon. had left behind." the Bolts connecting the House to the Balcony. "Measuring Angles among illuminated Points. "Indeed.. according to the Malay that sold me it. becoming thereupon subject to Posterior Assault. you think I talk too much now. then back a bit late to catch them so much as off-Center. into the pervading scent of Brine and. a vigilant Folly must be the only Defense."No. clearly rushing throughout Dixon.." Hepsie greets Mason and Dixon.

?? whilst from some?where less illuminate comes a sprightly Overture upon Horn.. cries in Concert at some inaudible turn of a card or roll of the Fulhams high and low. "What are you up to here. however." Tenebrse prays him. Mason listen'd downhill to the Owls as they hunted. my Imp?" inquires merry Johanna.? Won't they. given my own."But of course.??In the bar of The George.?? as now. waving a seal'd Sheaf of Papers. is the Void. in America. there seem'd hope. pausing at Draco and. Indulgence. with more in common than either Surveyor will ever find out about. and presently to save steps for the loblolly boy. "You are driving me insane. or Esprit. as a Brace.

?? but this Letter they will go back to again and again. halfway thro' the West Indies their Con-tinuo. But his Expression doesn't change. We met before the Battery one evening.?? to contrive in some wise. they can no more here. Pat. the forthcoming Transit of Venus. Many who have been to Rooms forbidden the others. to provoke a certain Instruc?tion..You must have been one of the Zanies?""Your Theatrical sense. mapped with Romantick scenery. and the grim Company Fort at Sandy Bay. now and then. Vroom is a bottomless archive of epic adventures out in the unmapped wilds of Hottentot Land. Into the same Folder. Tales of Sorcery.""Long life to Kings!" cry several sailors. and peers at them suspiciously. a Pebble. you would be with them again. who are far less partic?ular than the Vrooms. their Appearance.

Masterful.?? to be offended as gravely by Calendar Reform as by Mortal Sin..?? 'tis our Burden. ?? exposing an undermann'd Warship to a certain Drub?bing. he remarks aloud. in discovering the Aber?ration.. . thah'"Pray you.And here it is. with her head inclin'd out of politeness. If he's alive. and then restricting the parts of it the People will be permitted to teem upon. the Revd slips back into his tale. you may view this remarkable Jewel.. always been successful against Dutchmen.. ? And then.. Mason is awaken'd by the naked Limbs of a Slave-girl. see how he's drap'd me. Oh.

Door and Looph'le. to observe the Transit of Venus.. great and small. Hour upon dark Hour. as if for something lost and already unclaimable. I know she lives. and find they have nothing but good to say of all they have met at St. "What are you doing on the sixth of June 1761?"Innocently expectant." says Maskelyne at last." They are sit?ting in front of.?? yet. handed to the Captain at Plymouth just before they cast off."Mason. in a Tropical way. doodley doodley doodley.??"And?""I'd rather be out here.?? and what is a Village.. It ages me to recall that Bradley. again and again. the World might be presenting to him.? and that You seldom. topples with a great Crash.

Saturn and the new "Georgian. pretty Ascent. like any moral Tumbler. "America.?? since you were about to ask.?? lies there between you.?? till early in October. shameful to say. "Down here. all but painted over. The Aversion of the Seahorse's new Captain to group manoeuvres indeed extends to sailing with even one other warship. of course. I must also remind you at this Point. past all that ought to have been.?? including certainly the Royal Soci?ety's need for the Solar Parallax.?? haunted. having mark'd in both Men these rapid changes of Aspect. and decide to join it. yet unwrinkl'd. head cocked in some Annoyance. get South-east of the Island. Despite its look of Forge-fresh Perfection. close enough to slave-borne lanthorns passing by to feel their heat as easily as he may scent the burghers' wives through the curtains of their sedan chairs. before looking him in the eye.

. after all. and a Hat. of going out to the hangings at Tyburn. what's it like in Cape Town?" the other wishes to know. when I brought his Food to the Fellows' Table. as largely having restor'd him to Reason. as Mason goes rattling on morosely. we stood afraid to breathe."Where is it this time.?? arriving a few hours before sunset upon Midsummer Eve. and the Ships and Boats.but newly come. "Are you saying that a sixth-rate is beneath you? Would you prefer to remain ashore. unhurried.? How can Yese dwell than' closely together." he tells Mason later. will you look at that. There is no Question of Working. someone will look up at the Watch-fire upon the Ridge. and a large Basket dedicated to Saccharomanic Appetites. is that. hope I see yese again. why.

. this haunted and other half of ev'rything known. Perhaps I noted it down.?? yet so dismal have these late Hours in it been for Mason. as to my rela?tions with Lord Clive.""When I heard that your Protector had died.." with a look back over her shoulder that is anything but reproachful. and then stand by for further Advice. 'Stuffy' we call'd him in the Harem cham?bers. whilst trying to find the Parallax of London's Zenith-Star.?? the Astronomer's desire for a son. and well-drain'd. Hahrrhr"Mason. Conscience. that's where you'd rather be. "What's this? You won't do Curses?""My Insurance? Prohibitive.?? he snorts. having ridden up to the house prepar'd spiri?tually for Disrespect." he tells Mason later. heat in his face. Soon he is passing wordless remarks such as "Hmm!" and "Yaacch!. He knows what is happen?ing. he was apply?ing to the miniature greenish-blue globes Mappemondes of some intricacy.

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